Sunday, March 27, 2005

ghosts and devils


it is important for us to make sure that our esteemed campus remains a good and healthy place for superstition, myth, and rustic legends of all sorts to sprout forth. As the representatives of all that is berserk in Arts, we must find a way to taunt the spirits out of hiding - this is especially important now that the humans are running wayward all over the planet.

sometimes, it would have been better if they didn't get out of the bronze age, eh?

let us rob context of its meaning, let us war with the unknown armies of normality. each and every one of us are avatars of personal truths and thundering intolerance.

where life science students butcher animals to find out about their physiology, let us be their counterpart in unholy rituals - let us patch togther, like ghastly necromancers, portions of theory, corpses of half-truth, and the flimsy gristle of normative ethics, into a monster stronger than any of the geneticists can make.

mwa ha ha ha.

i am quite, possibly, insane.

then again.

you read this long, not sian ah?

autobots, transform and roll out!

- the bald truth


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